1. Must hand it to the Indian public.
    Wherever they may roam, eat and drink, they make themselves comfortable.

    In the cocoon of safe numbers, animated conversations shoot back and forth from the barrels of their mouths - at a certain decibel of course. Kids are left to 'play' as in, run amok, stare at other diners. Wait a minute - what are other diners?

    Then there's the loner.  Like this guy I spotted at a popular coffee bar yesterday. Not that I was staring at him, but he happened to be in the flight path of my eyes.

    Oh, he was so alone. But he had a book with him for company, not kids. He didn't disturb anyone, didn't make a nuisance of himself, just sipped his coffee quietly and read.

    After a while, he slowly kicked off his flip-flops.
    After a while, he slowly dug himself deeper into the couch.
    After a while, he slowly rested his head in the crook of his free arm.
    After a while, he slowly put his legs up.

    I was waiting for him to get completely horizontal. Then I would go hunting for a pillow for him.
    But it was time for me and my friends to leave
  2. It's been a long time coming.
    Watch this space
  3. First of all, thanks to everyone who waited forever for me to return!

    Second of all, let me tell you about an exciting quick weight loss program I discovered yesterday, and which worked ... instantly.

    I was at a grocery store, which is like stores are, all over the world. Self-help stores, with their rows and rows of products, their lanes, their trolleys, are still a bit of a novelty for many people who do not live in affluent urban areas.

    As I hunted for what I wanted, I noticed a young couple beside me, talking among themselves. They were obviously not well-to-do, self-conscious, and flustered at being in an air-conditioned store where 'rich people' shopped.

    They wanted to buy a single candy bar of a particular brand, and which costs less than 1 cent. The lady was clutching that 1 cent in one hand, and clutching her husband with the other. I couldn't help but overhear them as they debated endlessly how no one was attending to them, what they were supposed to do, what the 'system' was at the store.

    Exasperated that there was this huge display of candy of every brand imaginable, right in front of them, I finally turned around and said, rather sternly, I must confess, "This is a self-help store. All you have to do is pick up the candy you want, and then go to the counter and pay for it. No attendent is going to come here and do it for you".

    The young man turned towards me and said plaintively, "How can we pick up the candy by ourselves? We are both blind!"

    Now, I have struggled with a weight problem all my life. Worked out like crazy, gone on starvation diets, tried all kinds of 'cures' ... but I must say, nothing has ever made me feel so small, instantly.


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  4. On discovering I am diabetic. Please singalong to the tune of The Doors' 'Roadhouse Blues'

    Ah keep your eyes on the food,
    Your hands upon the meal.
    Keep your eyes on the food
    Your hands upon the meal.

    Yeah, were going for the food vows
    Gonna have a real screwed time.
    Yeah, the back of the restaurant,
    They got some cake and jello.
    Yeah, the back of the restaurant
    They got some cake and hello?

    Chocklits for the people
    Who like to go down slow.

    Tootsie roll, baby, roll.
    Tootsie,roll, baby, roll.
    Tootsie, baby, roll.
    Tootsie roll, all night long.

    Sugar lady
    Sugar lady
    Give up your vows.
    Give up your vows.

    Save our sweety
    Save our sweety
    Ah, right now

    Well, I broke up this morning
    And I was full of fear
    Well, I broke up this morning
    And I was full of fear
    The futures uncertain
    And the end is always near :(


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  5. Hawk that phlegm and sing along with me. To the tune of, Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive", of course.

    Not once was I was afraid
    Nor was I petrified
    Kept thinking I could never live
    without gears by my side
    But then I jumped so many lights
    So many turns were so wrong
    And I grew strong
    And I learned how to chug along

    And now they're back
    Taking up space
    End to end, rear to rear
    Those cars just get into my face
    I should have changed that stupid lane
    I should have gone and had that pee
    If I had known for just one second
    you'd cut in front of me

    Go on now I'll crash your door
    Don't turn around now
    Because I'm beyond caring anymore
    Weren't you the one who tried to overtake me
    Did you think my bumper would crumble
    Did you think my engine would die
    Oh no, not I
    I will not drive
    Oh as long as i know how to shove
    I know cabs keep me alive
    I've got all my life to live
    I've got a brain like a sieve
    and I'll not drive
    I will not drive (hey-hey)


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  6. !poof!

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  7. No Rain
    Sing to the tune of 'Cocaine', of course

    The city is sultry, and you're getting dirty, no rain
    The sky's bright blue, and there's a cry and hue, no rain
    We will die, we will die, we will die, if no rain

    If you think that's bad news, and you can't kick off your shoes, no rain
    The lakes they get dry, and you just got to cry, no rain
    We will die, we will die, we will die, if no rain

    At the crack of dawn, you can't water your lawn, no rain
    They can whip your buns until you get the runs, no rain
    We will die, we will die, we will die, if no rain


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