Must hand it to the Indian public.
Wherever they may roam, eat and drink, they make themselves comfortable.
In the cocoon of safe numbers, animated conversations shoot back and forth from the barrels of their mouths - at a certain decibel of course. Kids are left to 'play' as in, run amok, stare at other diners. Wait a minute - what are other diners?
Then there's the loner. Like this guy I spotted at a popular coffee bar yesterday. Not that I was staring at him, but he happened to be in the flight path of my eyes.
Oh, he was so alone. But he had a book with him for company, not kids. He didn't disturb anyone, didn't make a nuisance of himself, just sipped his coffee quietly and read.
After a while, he slowly kicked off his flip-flops.
After a while, he slowly dug himself deeper into the couch.
After a while, he slowly rested his head in the crook of his free arm.
After a while, he slowly put his legs up.
I was waiting for him to get completely horizontal. Then I would go hunting for a pillow for him.
But it was time for me and my friends to leave
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